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工作流引擎 - ESKO - AE(Automation Engine)版本12.3的数据库设计|ACLNT|ACLNT- 表网 - 网罗天下表结构


2021/5/14 15:57:20 qaz2313122
表结构 - ACLNT - ACLNT - 工作流引擎 - ESKO - AE(Automation Engine)版本12.3的数据库设计
工作流引擎 - ESKO - AE(Automation Engine)版本12.3的数据库设计
工作流引擎 - ESKO - AE(Automation Engine)版本12.3的数据库设计(WE系统)
ACLNT, Active Clients - 活动客户端(百度翻译)
# 名称 标题 类型 长度 小数 允许空 自增 主键 外键 索引 描述
1 ACLNT_AH_Idnr 原文:ACLNT_AH_Idnr int 0 0 RunID of the client,客户端的RunID - 来自百度翻译
2 ACLNT_AliasChars ACLNT_别名字符 varchar 32 0 Allowed special characters in alias names,别名中允许的特殊字符 - 来自百度翻译
3 ACLNT_CaleLookMax ACLNT_CaleLookMax smallint 0 0 The maximum number of days that is considered for calculating the next valid date based on calendar conditions. The maximum number of days that is considered for calculating the next valid date based on calendar conditions.,根据日历条件计算下一个有效日期所考虑的最大天数。根据日历条件计算下一个有效日期所考虑的最大天数。
4 ACLNT_DeactDelay ACLNT_DeactDelay smallint 0 0 Deactivation time in minutes,停用时间(分钟)
5 ACLNT_DeactFault ACLNT_DeactFault smallint 0 0 Deactivation FAULT_OTHER setting: 1 = Remove jobs with status FAULT_OTHER from Activity Window, 0 = Keep tasks,停用故障_其他设置:1=从活动窗口中删除状态为故障_其他的作业,0=保留任务
6 ACLNT_DefaultPwd ACLNT_DefaultPwd varchar 64 0 Default password,默认密码
7 ACLNT_Deployment ACLNT_部署 smallint 0 0 Deployment Client: 1 or 0,部署客户端:1或0 - 来自百度翻译
8 ACLNT_ERT_Fallback ACLNT_ ERT_回退 smallint 0 0 ERT fallback: 1=fixed, 2=avg, 4=max, 8=linear, 16=dynamic, 256=ignore,ERT回退:1=固定,2=平均,4=最大,8=线性,16=动态,256=忽略 - 来自百度翻译
9 ACLNT_ERT_Method ACLNT_ERT_Method smallint 0 0 ERT method: 0=default, 1=fixed, 2=avg, 4=max, 8=linear, 16=dynamic, 256=ignore,ERT方法:0=默认值,1=固定值,2=平均值,4=最大值,8=线性,16=动态,256=忽略
10 ACLNT_ERTAdaptive ACLNT_ERTAdaptive smallint 0 0 Adaptive ERT calculation for the entire client: 1 or 0,整个客户端的自适应ERT计算:1或0
11 ACLNT_First_Day 第一天 smallint 0 0 The starting day of the week: "1" - Sunday,"2" - Monday,"3" - Tuesday,"4" - Wednesday,"5" - Thursday,"6" - Friday,"7" - Saturday,,一周的开始日期:“1”-周日,“2”-周一,“3”-周二,“4”-周三,“5”-周四,“6”-周五,“7”-周六, - 来自百度翻译
12 ACLNT_First_Week ACLNT_First_Week smallint 0 0 The definition of the week that is regarded the first calendar week of a year. "1" - The week that includes January 1st, "4" - The first week that includes at least 4 day of the new year,"7" - The first week that includes 7 days of the new year,一年中第一个日历周的定义1“-包括1月1日的一周,“4”-包括新年至少4天的第一周,“7”-包括新年7天的第一周
13 ACLNT_KDCForced 强制的 smallint 0 0 Forces authentication via Kerberos Distribution Center: 1 or 0,通过Kerberos分发中心强制身份验证:1或0 - 来自百度翻译
14 ACLNT_KickInterval ACLNT_间隔 smallint 0 0 The refresh interval in seconds that can be specified for the task view in the Activity Window and monitors.,可以在“活动”窗口和监视器中为任务视图指定的刷新间隔(以秒为单位)。 - 来自百度翻译
15 ACLNT_MaxSearch ACLNT_最大搜索 smallint 0 0 Max result count of lucene based search requests.,基于lucene的搜索请求的最大结果计数。 - 来自百度翻译
16 ACLNT_NowMinus ACLNT_NowMinus smallint 0 0 The number of years that is considered in dynamic calendar calculation.,动态日历计算中考虑的年数。
17 ACLNT_NowPlus 现在加上 smallint 0 0 The number of years that is considered in dynamic calendar calculation.,动态日历计算中考虑的年数。 - 来自百度翻译
18 ACLNT_Number ACLNT_Number smallint 0 0 Client number,客户编号
19 ACLNT_ObjCreateOX ACLNT_ObjCreateOX smallint 0 0 Client Setting OBJ_CREATE_OX,客户端设置对象创建对象
20 ACLNT_ObjectAudit ACLNT_ObjectAudit smallint 0 0 The logging for the revision report: 1 and 0,修订报告的日志记录:1和0
21 ACLNT_OH_Idnr 原文:ACLNT_OH_Idnr int 0 0 ID of the object in the OH table,OH表中对象的ID - 来自百度翻译
22 ACLNT_Prio ACLNT_Prio smallint 0 0 The priority of the client: Allowed values: "200" - "255",客户端的优先级:允许值:“200”-“255”
23 ACLNT_Prompt_Resp ACLNT_提示_响应 smallint 0 0 The time in minutes that the system waits for a tasks PromptSet dialog to be confirmed, 0 = unlimited,系统等待确认“任务提示集”对话框的时间(以分钟为单位),0=无限制 - 来自百度翻译
24 ACLNT_Prompt_Time ACLNT_Prompt_Time smallint 0 0 The time in minutes that the system waits for a user to log on in order to display a PromptSet dialog, 0 = unlimited,系统等待用户登录以显示提示集对话框的时间(分钟),0=无限制
25 ACLNT_RepoSshDir ACLNT_RepoSshDir varchar 250 0 Repository SSH dir for Version Control,用于版本控制的存储库SSH目录
26 ACLNT_RepoUrl ACLNT_报告URL varchar 250 0 Remote repository URL for Version Control,版本控制的远程存储库URL - 来自百度翻译
27 ACLNT_SearchScript ACLNT_搜索脚本 char 1 0 The search for object use in script: "Y" (with regular expressions), "L" (without regular expressions) and "N" (No),搜索脚本中使用的对象:“Y”(带正则表达式)、“L”(不带正则表达式)和“N”(否) - 来自百度翻译
28 ACLNT_SendMail 发送邮件 varchar 200 0 Key for setting the parameters Agent and Login used in SEND_MAIL script functions client-wide.,用于设置在客户端范围内发送邮件脚本函数中使用的代理和登录参数的键。 - 来自百度翻译
29 ACLNT_StopTime ACLNT_StopTime datetime 0 0 Time when the client was stopped,客户端停止的时间
30 ACLNT_SystemFlag ACLNT_SystemFlag smallint 0 0 Client status: 0 = stopped, 1 = go,客户端状态:0=已停止,1=转到
31 ACLNT_TaskPrio ACLNT_任务优先级 smallint 0 0 The priority of tasks: Allowed values: "1" - "255",任务的优先级:允许值:“1”-“255” - 来自百度翻译
32 ACLNT_TZ ACLNT_TZ varchar 8 0 Name of the client timezone,客户端时区的名称
33 ACLNT_VaraErrorRep ACLNT_VaraErrorRep smallint 0 0 Behavior if Variable objects cannot be found whose value should be used to replace placeholders in attributes at runtime: 1 or 0,在运行时找不到其值应用于替换属性中占位符的变量对象时的行为:1或0
34 ACLNT_VersSuffix ACLNT_后缀 varchar 8 0 Version Management suffix,版本管理后缀 - 来自百度翻译
35 ACLNT_VersMgmnt 与管理相关 smallint 0 0 Version Management enabled: 1 or 0,已启用版本管理:1或0 - 来自百度翻译
36 ACLNT_WaitQueue ACLNT_等待队列 smallint 0 0 Logs information about the waiting condition of all the queues tasks in the database: 1 or 0,记录有关数据库中所有队列任务的等待条件的信息:1或0 - 来自百度翻译
37 ACLNT_XROReports 报告 smallint 0 0 External report analysis: 1 or 0,外部报表分析:1或0 - 来自百度翻译
38 ACLNT_WFAccl ACLNT_WFAccl varchar 32 0 Stores the workflow acceleration method,存储工作流加速方法
下载表结构XLS文件 - MSSQL格式(默认)
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工作流引擎 - ESKO - AE(Automation Engine)版本12.3的数据库设计
工作流引擎 - ESKO - AE(Automation Engine)版本12.3的数据库设计 ESKO - AE(Automation Engine) Automation Engine Tailor-made features for seamless workflows The future has arrived with the next generation of Automation Engine, delivering high-performance, yet easy-to-use workflow automation. Automate, standardize and improve your prepress workflow with accelerated benefits – across your entire organization. ---- ESKO-AE(自动化引擎) 自动化引擎 为无缝工作流程量身定制的功能 下一代自动化引擎带来了未来,它提供了高性能、易用的工作流自动化。 自动化、标准化和改进印前工作流程,并为整个组织带来更快的好处。
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MSSQL-工作流引擎 - ESKO - AE(Automation Engine)版本12.3的数据库设计【表名:AHG】原文:AHG
MSSQL-工作流引擎 - ESKO - AE(Automation Engine)版本12.3的数据库设计【表名:AHGH】原文:AHGH